Semblance - A Series of Abstract Paintings Inspired by Looking Beneath the Surface in Relation to Meditation and Yoga

The Semblance series (2018 onwards) takes as a theme the hidden pain and emotion beneath calm and tranquil exteriors. ‘Yoga’ and ‘mindfulness’ are often sold to us through images of serene- and beautiful-looking people. As a yogi and meditator, Michelle’s experience of these practices tells her that, beneath the surface, all kinds of emotional turbulences lurk and brew, some of them intense and unpleasant. The art of practice is to meet and befriend them all, and give them space to express themselves. Semblance is an interpretation of this process. Some of these paintings have scar-like marks; others have colours breaking through from beneath. These things enhance the otherwise minimal exterior and make each piece unique.

“In your light, I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you,
but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.”

— Rumi


Gaia series


Inscape series